Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) Reporting Solution

Automated Reporting Tool to Ease the Compliance Process


KiyaAI’s Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) solution has indeed been exquisitely designed to ease alternative investment fund managers’ compliance burden while also ensuring that all aspects of AIFMD reporting are taken into account.

After intensely monitoring the evolution of the AIFM Directive since its initial publication, KiyaAI’s AIFMD solution aims to assist the organization to seamlessly generate ready to submit xml with the reporting workflow by leveraging effective regulatory experience from professionals who are well-versed in the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) directive.

Key Features

XML Generation

AIFM and AIF xml

Dashboards & Reports

1) Status monitoring and Analytical reports 2)Email notifications


Business, field, and format checks

Single Interface for AIFM

1) Complete view of client assessment 2) Ready-to-Submit XML reports


Dedicated support in reporting issues

Multitenant Solution

Excel, CSV, SQL


Complete maker checker workflow


Ready to submit AIF xml reports

Ready to submit AIFM xml reports

Enables Regulatory Compliant Format

Automates Verification of Business Validations & Checkpoints Based on Regulation

Maker checker workflow for approvals

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