The Council of the European Union, revised Directive 2011/16/EU in considerations with the mandatory automatic exchange of data information in the area of taxation concerning reportable cross-border arrangements, known as ‘DAC6’ or Mandatory Disclosure Rules (MDR) Directive. DAC6 applies to cross-border tax arrangements, which meet one or more specified characteristics (hallmarks), and which concern either more than one EU country or an EU country and a non-EU country.
Universal Regtech Solution’s DAC 6 reporting tool is a secured SaaS-based solution that enables businesses to take control of the newly implemented EU Directive 2018/822 on Administrative Co-operation (DAC 6) reporting obligations. Built with country-specific repository of hallmarks and a robust governance framework, the solution enables businesses to assess and identify reportable cross-border arrangements along with relevant intermediaries in a structured format with automated report generation and submission capabilities, avoiding financial and reputational risk of non-compliance.

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