The Council of the European Union, revised Directive 2011/16/EU in considerations with the mandatory automatic exchange of data information in the area of taxation concerning reportable cross-border arrangements, known as ‘DAC6’ or Mandatory Disclosure Rules (MDR) Directive. DAC6 applies to cross-border tax arrangements, which meet one or more specified characteristics (hallmarks), and which concern either more than one EU country or an EU country and a non-EU country.

Universal Regtech Solution’s DAC 6 reporting tool is a secured SaaS-based solution that enables businesses to take control of the newly implemented EU Directive 2018/822 on Administrative Co-operation (DAC 6) reporting obligations. Built with country-specific repository of hallmarks and a robust governance framework, the solution enables businesses to assess and identify reportable cross-border arrangements along with relevant intermediaries in a structured format with automated report generation and submission capabilities, avoiding financial and reputational risk of non-compliance.

Key Attributes

Seamless integration with existing products

Automated flagging of reportable parties

Customizable dashboards

Support multiple DAC formats

FATCA and CRS solution

XML generation and support

Value Delivered

Supports Multiple DAC6 formats

Supports various reporting formats such as XML, PDF, XLS, HTML with flexibility to manage rule changes.

Proven Reporting Capabilities

Identify, capture and monitor qualified reportable cross-border obligations in the prescribed formats by tax authorities.

Cost & Risk Management

Manage rules repository and automatically flag reportable clients to report cross-border arrangements.

Specialized Reporting Guidelines

In-built country-specific hallmarks and collaboration with stakeholders to finalize reportable arrangements.

Transparency & Reliability

Complete audit trail with multiple year submission history of reportable cross-border obligations.

Automated Reporting

Automated report generation and submission capabilities

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